The digitization of pharma pipelines has begun.
Following the release of FDA’s draft guidance on Prescription Drug Use-Related Software (PDURS) last year, I have spoken at length about how rigorously developed drug-software combination products are ready to deliver additional value to the healthcare system. PDURS presents a significant opportunity to expand drug labels with data on added clinically meaningful benefit due to the use of software with a drug. We are defining drugs that offer formulations accompanied by software with such added benefit claims ‘software-enhanced,’ marked by the modifier ‘SE’ after the brand name for easy identification.
To pioneer this new category of software-enhanced drug treatments, Click Therapeutics recently introduced a new service offering, Click SE™ ( This offering extends Click’s proprietary AI-enabled digital therapeutics platform and unique capabilities to the development of software-enhanced ‘SE’ formulations of pharmaceuticals and biologics.
The ability for software and drugs to work together to improve health was central to my vision for Click Therapeutics back when I founded the company 12 years ago. Since then, Click has developed evidence-based treatments across diverse areas of therapeutic need, which are now supported by clinical data. We recently shared data from our investigational PDT for the preventive treatment of episodic migraine, CT-132. In a pivotal, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, CT-132 met its primary endpoint and at the end of the 12-week treatment, participants treated with CT-132 experienced a significant reduction in monthly migraine days of about three days, decreasing from a baseline of 7.8 to 4.5 days. Almost twice as many participants reported improvement on the Patient Global Impression of Change using CT-132 vs. sham, with demonstrated improvements in quality of life and disability also favoring treatment.
Importantly, these effects were on top of patients’ background pharmacotherapy, which continued throughout the study. These data show that there is a real opportunity for software to demonstrate added clinical benefit on top of drugs.
Developing software that can achieve these outcomes requires specialized expertise. While there are many types of PDURS solutions that companies may target, developing software-enhanced formulations that can support clinical claims requires companies to prioritize software that can both deliver outcomes in robust clinical studies and comply with requirements for software-as-a-medical-device (SaMD). As the leader in PDT development, Click Therapeutics is the best-positioned company to develop PDURS software capable of meeting these standards to create ‘software-enhanced’ drugs.
As I shared during my time on stage at #HLTH2024 and at #FrontiersHealth2024 and in a recent piece for BioSpace, Click SE™ is designed precisely to enable pharmaceutical companies to pursue the remarkable opportunities presented by FDA guidance on PDURS.
Why Click SE™ Matters
Click SE™ expands the way we can help patients with medicine. Available to providers and patients much like an ‘XR’ or extended-release version of a drug, the ‘SE’ software-enhanced version promises to offer unique benefits in an easy-to-access co-packaged formulation combining both the pharmacological and digital therapy. In other words, it integrates the benefits of digital into how medicines are already prescribed today.
These SE formulations can add to a drug’s efficacy in a few ways: with behavioral, cognitive or neuromodulatory interventions, as in a digital therapeutic; by making it ‘smart’, such as with digital biomarkers or adaptive titration; or improving tolerability and persistence, by helping manage side effects. All of these approaches can translate to added clinical benefits beyond what a drug alone can achieve.
Leveraging our existing best-in-class digital therapeutics platform and experience developing software as a medical device, Click SE™ is optimally positioned to begin the development of software-enhanced versions of both in-development and marketed drugs today.
We are thrilled to share this pivotal moment in our company’s history with you and we hope you join us in raising the bar of modern medicine.