Digital Treatments
for your Patients

Deliver effective
treatments to
your patients.

Our clinically validated software programs are designed to deliver effective treatments to your patients while offering the favorable safety profile inherent to a digital intervention.

Evidence Based

Our therapies are regulated products that have gone through clinical studies and regulatory review

Prescription Treatments

Our therapeutics are prescription products indicated for treatment and covered by most insurance

Easy to Use

Our applications require no special hardware beyond a smartphone, making them accessible to almost all patients

Highest Quality

We develop our software using the latest design techniques under rigorous quality and security programs

Fully Digital

Each therapeutic is fully digital, delivering treatment at the patient’s convenience - the only clinician is you

Cutting-edge Science

Each program is developed with the latest scientific insights and unique digital mechanisms of action

Digital Therapeutics
in your Practice

Digital therapeutics can be prescribed in your EHR or electronic prescribing system like any other product
The patient downloads the therapy from the app store and activates it with a pharmacist-issued activation code
The treatment period varies, but typically takes 8-12 weeks, during which the application engages the patient in an interactive, personalized treatment journey
The patient follows up with you during and after treatment to discuss results and next steps, same as after receiving a drug prescription

The Science Behind
our Treatments

Our therapeutics are developed in house by a team of doctorate-level translational and discovery scientists, working hand-in-hand with clinicians, patients and thought leaders in each therapeutic area.

Each product is developed by our team as a safe and effective therapy.
Our therapies are a unique blend of both well-validated therapeutic approaches, such as behavior change and cognitive remediation, and novel mechanisms of action, such as our proprietary cognitive-emotional rebalancing task.
We evaluate each product for effectiveness and publish our research.
We conduct numerous clinical studies, including both early research pilots and phase III efficacy studies for regulatory registration. These results are then submitted for peer-review and publication.